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Secret Ways to Save This Holiday Season

Posted On: December 8, 2019

The holidays can be a hectic time. Between buying the perfect gifts, decorating your home and cooking everyone’s favorite dishes, it can get expensive really quickly. We’ve got a few tips to help you save energy and save money this joyous season so you can focus on the important things, like spending time with family.

Deck the Halls with LED Lighting
Light up your holiday décor by using LED lightbulbs. They use up to 80% less energy than incandescent bulbs, last longer, and come in a variety of colors and shapes.

Use Pressure & Slow Cookers
Cut down cooking time and save energy with pressure cookers and slow cookers. In a few simple steps you can create delicious meals without spending all day in the kitchen.

Expecting a Full House? Lower the Thermostat
A house full of relatives, in-laws and children can generate a lot of heat. Use it to your advantage! Set your temperature a few degrees lower than usual. You’ll see the difference on your next bill.

Unplug or Power Strip It!
Don’t let devices stay plugged in if not in use. They’ll continue to drain energy AND run up your energy bill. Try plugging into a power strip instead and don’t forget to flip the switch when you’re done.

Kick Out Jack Frost
Check your windows and doors for air leaks and drafts. A good strip of caulk will seal up any heat looking to escape, and keep out any winter air looking to flow inside.