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Six Ways to Keep Your Energy Resolutions in 2020

Posted On: December 26, 2019

Did you make any energy-related resolutions for the new year? Keep that same energy all year long by using these six tips.

Make a Plan – If one of your resolutions is to make your home energy-efficient, drafting a plan will help your goal become more achievable and reduce your chances of quitting when you hit an obstacle. You can tackle certain parts of the house quarterly or plan out your finances to support bigger, more expensive changes (like incorporating more smart home technology) later in the year.

One Change at a Time – Changing your energy habits doesn’t have to come all at once but creating habits that last over time means taking your time. You can build upon your energy-saving habits once you are sure that they’ve really stuck.

Start Small – If your resolution is to save more money on energy, you can start small by unplugging devices when they are not in use. Opening the blinds to let in natural light and not flipping a light switch will also reduce usage and save money over time. Whatever they resolution, starting small will make sure you can build on a solid foundation first. 

Track Your Progress – Stay motivated by continuing to work on your goals and keep a resolution journal that shows what habits you’ve done each day. And here’s another tip for Stream energy customers in Texas: you can monitor your energy usage and transfer the data to your journal from your Weekly Energy Report. Save the report in your inbox to see how your energy habits are affecting your usage and adjust if needed.

Share Your Journey – Tell others about your energy-related resolutions and goals or seek out friends who may share them with you. Having friends you can share your successes to directly can create accountability partners who will cheer you on! Joining groups on social media is great for this, too!

Don’t Beat Yourself Up – Shooting for perfection will not get you closer to success. Remember that minor missteps are normal and ok. Every change has ups and downs – just resolve to recover from them and get back on track!