Electricity Gas
How to stay energy efficient in cold weather.

Winter weather has its own challenges, but there are some easy choices you can make to ensure that you’re saving energy while weathering the cold.

Give your home an energy audit. Take a simple walk through your home to check for air leaks, poor insulation or anything that makes it harder to stay comfortable.

Keep your bill consistent year-round. Call 888-685-POWER (7693) to sign up for Average Billing, and pay a similar amount on your bill each month, even during high-usage months.

Conserve energy while staying cozy this winter.

If you have an electric heating system, it’s possible that you could use just as much electricity to keep your home comfortable in the winter months as you do in the summertime. Consider implementing these habits to save as much energy as possible.

  • Turn down your thermostat. For every degree below 68°F, you can expect to save about 3% on your heating costs.
  • Set your ceiling fans for cooler weather. Fans that rotate clockwise can recirculate heat that’s risen in your home.
  • Remember the 4-by-4 rule. If you’re going to be away for more than four hours, set the thermostat 4° lower.
  • Unplug your electronics. Stop vampire power from draining your wallet by putting your electronics on a power strip
    and unplugging when not in use.
  • Check your water heater. The ideal temperature for an energy-efficient water heater is 120°.
  • Get cooking. Using your stove and oven to cook meals can help keep your home warm.